GERARDO'S. Wooden Birthday Cake

Gerardo's Toys
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Quality, wooden toy that teaches the child about the first numbers, while helping to develop his/her motor skills. Wouldn't it be great to have birthday everyday? Now this can become reality with Gerardo's Toys wonderful wooden birthday cake!

The wooden cake consists of 8 pieces, while in addition it has 4 candles and 4 numbers from 1 to 4, which will help the child to learn the first numbers.

SKU GT61303 Age 3+ years old Color Pink
  • Αποτελείται από 8 κομμάτια, ενώ επιπλέον διαθέτει 4 κεράκια και 4 αριθμούς από το 1 έως το 4, που θα βοηθήσουν το παιδί στην εκμάθηση των πρώτων αριθμών. 
  • Κατάλληλο για ηλικίες 3+ ετών.
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